How to prevent brain drain in the North? Ventura collaborates on a solution

Part of the Engineering Doctorate with the specialisation 'Autonomous systems' will be conducted at Ventura. Find out more here.

Highly educated, bright young people have been leaving the North for years in search of well-paying jobs. The Drachten innovation cluster together with high-tech companies in the region, launched a project to retain valuable talent in the region. This project named Campus Drachten focuses on healthcare technology and high-tech innovation.

The latest project is a post-master Autonomous Systems at the University of Groningen, which focuses on the application of artificial intelligence in computer networks. This study is intended for students who, after obtaining their master's degree, want to delve further into the world of science and engineering.

In this context, we have welcomed Niek, who will pursue an Engineering Doctorate (EngD) programme in Autonomous Systems. At Ventura, Niek will actively contribute to various projects in the first year and focus on a PhD research on an issue within artificial intelligence in the second year.

Omrop Fryslân, in collaboration with RTV Drenthe and RTV Noord, made a report on this special moment. In fact, it is the first time that an Engineering Doctorate programme has been conducted in the North. We are proud that we can contribute to the development of knowledge in the region and take important steps in the advancement of new technologies. Watch the report via the link below.

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